Visiting Granada
Towards the end of 2023 I stayed in Granada for a week. Megan came and joined me for part of the time. We visited the Alhambra twice. I found chairs in many rooms where I was able to sit and sketch. Time seemed to stretch out luxuriously, each time we were there for over six hours. The building has inscriptions in Arabic completely integrated into the architecture.
While in the city we also had a day visiting with Consuelo Vallejo Delgado, Profesor Titular in the Department of Painting at the University of Granada. A few weeks later I gave an online talk to her MA students on AI from my perspective having worked at Xerox PARC.
I love Granada, its individuality, artistic life, history and food!
Inscription for tomb of Cyprian, Necropolis of Marugán, 11th century.